Marat edvard munch biography timeline

Where was edvard munch born

At the urging of Dr. Munch, Edvard enrolls in Technical College, studying mathematics and physics.
marat edvard munch biography timeline

Where did edvard munch live

The story of Marat's murder by Charlotte Corday bears only the remotest resemblance to that of Munch and Tulla Larsen but evidently it was enough for Munch's symbol-stretching mind.

When did edvard munch die

Edvard Munch Timeline of His Life December 12 Edvard Munch is born to Christian Munch and Laura Catherine in the city of Loton, Norway.
Interesting facts about edvard munch
Munch began attending a technical college to study engineering but left just a year later when his interest in art overtook his interest in engineering.